Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Christmas around the corner.

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Journal Day 2

Weekends are wonderful...but far too short.

Mason Jar Christmas Challenge is on...how much can you squeeze into a mason jar!!

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Journal Day 1
Your Best Year Ever
I've started this book from my Scribed account and hope to keep a daily journal of what I have taken away from this book and others that are similar.

Your Best Year Ever.... sounds so promising doesn't it.  I'm coming on maybe my worst year ever - career wise.  I have never been so disappointed in what I have accomplished and haven't accomplished.  This time last year I was confident about my skills even though I did not like where I was working and did have prospects.   And one year later where am I.   I have lost so much; confidence, self-esteem, my skills --- I have been broken down by my work environment.
I will try with this book and a few others that I have to make a daily account of what is going on.

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Sad Day
We have learned today that a local young girl who had become a public fighter of cancer succumbed to her illness.  It is days like these that we hope that “heaven” is real.  This little girl deserves nothing less.

Sunday, May 27, 2018

I have spent the last six months chasing a position that was probable not mine in the first place...was never going to be mine.

Well,  my life direction is going to change as of now!

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

With my JA interview, it is now just a wait for the outcome.

It is beautifully sunny ... looks like we will get a spring this year.   It is already summer down south.  We desperately need a change... a shakeup...wake up.

I’m in my favourite coffe spot... nice morning music playing...and it is only Tuesday of what will no doubt a very long week😒

Monday, April 9, 2018

Sound Advice for Good Health

source: The Internet
Sound Advice for Good Health
from Dr. Kathleen Mercer, Winterholme Wellness Center

1. Drink 2 litres of room temperature water per day.
2. Go for a walk each day for 30 minutes.
3. Follow a daily guided meditation online.
4. Lay on your yoga mat to stretch and breath 10 minutes per day
5. Journal, doodle, write poetry, inner most feelings.

6. Commit to random acts of kindness weekly.  You will get addicted to this once you get into it.
7. Challenge your negative thinking to become positive!
8. Read self help books from your public or friend library.

Source: The Wellness Guide 2018

My guide for 2018!

Friday, March 23, 2018

Another Spring

Another winter is over and we have moved into a new Spring.   I sure hope we see some of it soon.  It has been a dismal fall and winter all around.  Other than our trip to DR it has been downright horrible.  I have so much to do and so little energy these days.  I am completely dragged out about the amount of housework there is to do every weekend.   And after the exhaustive and tedious days in T/SC I don't have much energy left each evening.   How to break the cycle? 

the title Judicial Assistant is my only hope, pray and wish right now.   I just to want to write if over and over and over to make it come true.

Judicial Assistant Judicial Assistant,   Judicial Assistant

So close and yet so far away.