Wednesday, April 28, 2021

 Memories of warm summer days

I remember those warm summer days when I was about 5, 6 or 7.  I remember the greens of the trees and grass, the blue of the sky and the yellow of the wild flowers.  The summers were so warm and we were allowed to explore.   I remember the swing set next door.  I was fascinated by the flowers the man next door grew and a learned the names of every one;  marigolds,  petunias and my favorite pansies.  The purples and golds were magical.  The neighbor dog was a big collie and we called him Lassie just like the tv dog.  I don't know if that was his name but he followed us everywhere.  We played dinkies in the driveway - no pavement back then.  We were free to wonder to the rail bed,  catch frogs and bugs.  Everything was new and exiting then. Oh to be six again. 

Wednesday, April 21, 2021


I still find it very intimidating – that white piece or paper or in my case that blank white screen.  I do not want to publish my completed project in the traditional way – book form.  I will like to use software like Publisher/Illustrator to create an interactive eBook or magazine.  Wouldn't that be cool!.

I want to create my own bullet journal stencils.  There are lots of ideas on the internet.  I have so much I want to do and not enough time to do it.  

Lastly I want to post a special picture of my dog Darcy.  She will be missed. 

Friday, April 9, 2021

 April 9, 2021 - Friday

Newfoundland Spring

News of the day:  Prince Philip has passed away at 99.  It is the first major step in changes for the royal family I guess.

We are still in a Pandemic even though NL is doing well this week.   Ontario and western Canada have it bad.  

Well it is a count down for Andrew's and Becca's wedding.  I hope it goes smoothly

I have a lot of work to cover this next few weeks with NIGS