Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Back to work ...

and only 3 days until the weekend.  Can you tell I live for the weekends.  

This is a picture from our trip to Twillingate.  

The weather was wonderful.  The food was great.  Overall a very pleasant trip.

But I am back to work and there are only four days until the weekend.  Plans for this weekend will include....

some gardening

some sleeping

some housework

some NIGS work

I found this great YouTube course I want to take at 

(150) CS50 2019 - Lecture 0 - Computational Thinking, Scratch - YouTube

only three days until the weekend. 

Saturday, June 12, 2021

 Day 1 of vacation 21….So far so good.  

Friday, June 11, 2021

The Anam Cara by Laura Veazey

Think of me often

Two spirits mingled through eons of time

My eyes burning into your soul

Your arms wrapping me, enveloping me, protecting me

Remembering words, joy, laughter, sorrow, loneliness, fears

Think of me often

As I do you, in my dreams

When I hear the quiet of the woods

When I see gentleness, compassion, and strength in the words

When I catch a glimpse of how marvelous what I thought were only dreams could be

Think of me often

When you dream of life being shared

Of gentle companionship

Of fierce loyalty

Of growing old

Of being loved

Think of me often.

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Free yourself from both the past and the future.

It’s okay to take a break sometimes.

It’s okay if things just didn’t work out like you thought they would.

It’s okay if a career path didn’t pan out.

It’s okay if a relationship didn’t work.

It’s okay to leave that grudge behind.

It’s okay to not be in control once in a while.

It’s okay to take a break.

It’s okay to not be perfect.

It’s okay to want more.

It’s okay to let go.

You’ve given it your everything, and that’s everything we can do, really.

source: Marcus Chan

Wednesday, June 9, 2021


 Well this is it.   This is time.  Not always sure where I'm going but moving along the path.  I yearn for meaning.  For a clear path without self doubt, second guessing.  I am split in so many directions and my energy is split as well.   Don't have the energy to pursue -- I'm having the "I'll get to it someday" blues.  But what if it is too late.  What if I don't succeed.  What if I finally find what I'm looking for and time has run out.  Does any of this make sense.  I am split between, "I'm too tired to care."  and "I am afraid I'll miss something important."  I am confused.  So much I want to do... but stalled somehow.  Or is is just an excuse... am I fooling myself.   Maybe there is only dreams -- fantastical unrealistic dreams.  Here I go around that bend again -- this evaluation of what I want in my future -- but not actually doing anything about it.   Or is the change so slow that I can't even detect that it is happening.  Am I crawling towards something? Do I have barriers or is it all my imagination.