Monday, December 4, 2023

December 4 2023

Moving right along is the year 2023.   As we approach Christmas nothing seems to have changed.  There is a war in the middle east.  There are homeless people, poor, sickness (the Covid 19 is still taking lives of those over 65) Ukraine is  fighting for its freedom, the United States is crazier then ever before.  There continues to be family feuds, racism, hatred and anger.   It is all quite depressing actually.   Why do we do this each year?   Why do we sing Christmas carols, give presents and feast?  What drives the human race to do this?  As you can see I am having an existential crisis this year.  The CNN v. the Hallmark Christmas Channel.  I am so confused?   I am sure I am not the only one.  

Below is a text box that looks like a present.  See if I can feel the present with the meaning of Christmas for me this year.

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